20 Dinge, die eine Führungskraft können muss!
Oktober 12, 2018Verkäufer in eigener Sache
Oktober 22, 2018- Listen.
Who does not let others speak and does not open for the opinion of the coworkers, can not expect openness and transparency.
2. Ask questions.
With skillful questions, the leader can lead a conversation, change people and achieve goals. Without questions arise misunderstandings and expensive mistakes.
3. Manage emotions.
Who controls his feelings self-responsible comes across focused and authentic. Blindly expressed emotions overwhelm and demotivate others.
4. Control thoughts.
Thoughts block the truth. They color everything with the past. An executive who rides around on their experiences and does not let others get involved does not see reality.
5. Make decisions.
Too fast decisions or none at all are counterproductive. Therefore, it makes sense to develop a decision-making strategy that suits your own personality.
6. Inspire and motivate.
If you can not animate and spread fun, especially the young talents will move on.
7. Sell and convince.
Without the conviction of the team to the vision and strategy, the leader needs a lot of strength to integrate not-Wanters, magic-hat-carriers and different-way-workers again.
8. Read people.
Looking behind the eyes of an employee or customer creates the basis for fulfilled visions and achieved goals. Whoever does not perceive human beings always only sees themselves in the eyes of others.
9. Give feedback.
Uncertainty is inevitable if the boss reports nothing or false performance observations. The result is that everyone does what they want and just pulls them together by accident.
10. Delegate properly.
The right person at the right time with the right plan.
11. Moderate.
Staying outside the subject, looking at it from a neutral point of view, visualizing results and giving employees the chance to show their full potential.
12. Coaching.
The goal is to develop agility, resilience, motivation, competence and efficiency together with the employees. This is not with announcement, but only with support.
13. Recognize signs.
Those who only turn around themselves do not see the signals for change.
14. Trust the gut feeling.
The head holds on to things longer than necessary. The belly has long known what is pending, even though the ego and the inner retardant still works against it.
15. Collect facts.
In times of crisis and change, it’s the facts that prevent fantasies from becoming full-blown team panic attacks.
16. Pull yourself together.
Life as a leader is like being on stage all the time. That’s why the saying „I’m just like that“ does not apply here.
17. Respect employees.
They act differently, they think differently, they feel different. But everyone is right and no one is guilty. Always keep the eye level.
18. Allow other opinions.
Learning only takes place when the manager moves out of his own comfort zone.
19. Use team potential.
There is teamwork and teamwork.
20. Celebrate success.
Whoever reaches a goal should talk about it and live it out. You can ride on later.
Most of these skills can be learned. Those who can not or will not learn these things should not lead.